A Faith Based Curriculum

Our preschool and kindergarten students attend chapel once a week where we explore the love of Jesus which aides in the spiritual development of our young students. Understanding that our students come from all backgrounds our focus is not to teach doctrine, but to simply plant the seeds of faith by discovering simple Bible stories, prayer and music. This is a fun engaging time with the use of puppetry, dramatization and active learning. We utilize the curriculum “Voyages: Exploring God’s Word” but most importantly we model and share the forgiveness and kindness we know in Jesus. In addition, our kindergarten students are presented with age appropriate Bibles each fall so that they can continue growing their faith at home with their families.

In our preschool and pre-kindergarten classes we work on a letter of the alphabet each week, we learn shapes, colors, numbers, months, days, and we have a theme such as “community helper” each month. They are read to each day, they are exposed to music and movement, they have a hands-on art or science project each day and there is always time for free choice well. We present activities and opportunities which encompass all of the developmental domains.

Our Kinder-Bridge program also utilizes a beginning reading program and our kindergarten program utilizes the Abeka Book curriculum.

Why should you enroll your child in our program?

Our kindergarten students have consistently maintained a class average in the 90% percentile each year on their standardized testing. This is directly related to small class size with individualized attention. Studies show that small class sizes in the early years lead to gains in achievement throughout one's academic career. Students are more likely to stay in school and more likely to earn better grades in later years. In smaller classes teachers aren’t tasked with classroom management and are better able to provide one-on-one attention. With more teacher/student interaction studies also show that children develop better coping skills and effective study habits. Overall, smaller classrooms are associated with higher achievement.

Sample Daily Schedule

PRESCHOOL DAILY SCHEDULE                                                                                

9:00a.m.–9:15a.m.                 *Sign-in child/children. Free Choice/Centers
9:15a.m.– 9:30a.m.                  Circle time, Introduction of Days Activities, Calendar
9:30a.m.– 10:00a.m.               Stories and Daily Art Project
10:00a.m.–10:20a.m.            Outside play
10:20a.m.–10:30 a.m.            Cleanup and wash for snack
10:30a.m.–10:45a.m.             Story time, Faith Alive Curriculum
10:45a.m.–11:00a.m.             Snack time
11:00a.m.–11:30a.m.             Pre-Kindergarten Skills
11:30a.m.–12:00p.m.             Music time and Gross Motor Activities
12:00p.m.                                     School is over. Sign-out child/children.

Weekly lesson plans are posted in each class for you to view

Sample Daily Schedule


 8:30 a.m.                Enrichment/Readiness skills
                                      Calendar/circle time
                                      Faith Alive

 10:00 a.m.             Snack/recess
                                     Phonics (Letters and Sounds)
                                     Writing skills/journals/reading
 12:00 p.m.            Lunch/recess/clean-up
 1:00 p.m.              Number skills
                                   Social Studies

 2:30p.m.              End of Day